Sunday 25 January 2009

A hopelessly zoological word

Seems everyone's commenting on Obama so I think I should too. It seems that he used the word 'forebears' in his inaugural speech (my spelling is particularly creative I think you will find if you follow this blog long enough). Anyway, forebears is one of my favourite words. It was once used at a Synod somewhere (I think I may have slept through the actual event) as a more inclusive term than forefathers. The use of the word was reported as 'hopelessly zoological'. Of course I have tried to use it often ever since and always with the tag 'hopelessly zoological': are we not all hopelessly zoological? Now there's a thought for the umpteenth anniversary of Darwin.

1 comment:

Jane said...

HEy I like this and the fact that we are beginning to blog -this post was very "you" and made me smile - i've just written something about midwifery and management and Jacky has posted to the WIM blog