Monday 17 March 2008

just bloggin

I got this blog free when I signed up to write up my PhD. I don't think this is going to be a poem, in fact I'm not really sure what it's going to be. Indeed, I'm not really very sure about blogs.

Being a novice blogger I'm not sure what to put. Things like, 'I got here on the tram', or 'it's a nice day' all seem a bit naff. I did get here on a tram and it is quite a nice day. But to be honest I'm not sure I need a free blog - I just need to write up my PhD. I have yet to be convinced that having a free blog will help me do this.

Currently my PhD survival strategies are:

Classic FM

looking out of the window

hot chocolate with cream on

collecting lots of things that look as if they have a passing reference to my PhD subject

putting off writing my PhD

doing the washing

writing everything except a PhD

All of these have got my through 7 years of part time PhD registration and to the point of having a reasonable draft, which probably now needs completely rehashing. Having a free blog, whilst sitting comfortably in the above list, does not at first sight appear to be a strategy likely to get me any nearer completing the PhD than any of the others featured.

God did not post a blog,

he sent a bloke

who borrowed a moke

and made an entrance

to start a week

so holy

that we've not seen the like since.

As we plod on,


may we be carried by integrity

and commitment.

PS: Other frequently used PhD strategy (along with 90% of the population) is prayer.

PPS: 'Moke' , which I may have spelled wrong, is cockney for donkey.